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DRIP Network is the latest project developed by Forex_Shark, BB and team.
The official token of the DRIP Network is DRIP (BEP-20) on the Binance Smart blockchain (BSC) that captures value by being scarce, deflationary, censorship resistant, and by being built on a robust, truly decentralized blockchain.
The recommended exchange for trading DRIP is the Fountain contract which can be found directly on the platforms website under the "swap" tab, as it allows us to waive the initial 10% tax on buys and provides the lowest prices and highest liquidity, resulting in less slippage for larger trades.
The DRIP Network’s Faucet is a low-risk, high reward contract that operates similarly to a high yield certificate of deposit by paying out 1% daily return on investment up to 365%.
Players can compound and extend their earnings through deposits, hydrating (compounding) rewards as well as through team based referrals.
Players can participate by purchasing DRIP from the platform's SWAP page, joining another user’s DRIP team (10 DRIP minimum requirement)
Depositing DRIP to the Faucet contract earns a consistent 1% daily return of their DRIP (365% maximum payout) passively. Players can also compound their earnings through regular deposits, rolling rewards as well as team based referrals. Unlike many other platforms promising a consistent daily % return, Faucet's contract cannot drain and will ALWAYS be able to provide the DRIP that has been rewarded. DRIP rewards come from a 10% tax on all DRIP transactions excluding buys from the platform's SWAP page.
If there is ever a situation where the tax pool is not enough to pay DRIP rewards new DRIP will be minted to ensure rewards are paid out. Given the game theory behind the DRIP network, the probability that the system will need to mint new DRIP to pay rewards is extremely low. Since DRIP deposited into Faucet are sent to a burn address and DRIP is constantly being locked in the liquidity pool through the reservoir contract, DRIP is the only deflationary daily ROI platform.
The best strategy for DRIP is to focus on real world adoption by building out your team through direct referrals, as you will receive bonus rewards from referrals on their deposits and downline bonuses from players they refer based on the amount of bR34P held in your wallet: 1-2, 2-3, 3-5, 4-8, 5-13, 6-21, 7-34, 8-55, 9-89, 10-144, 11-233, 12-377, 13-610, 14-987, 15-1597
What is DRIP?
DRIP is a CD-like crypto project that allows you to make an incredible return of 3678% APY in a year where tokens are paid back to you in 1% daily yields based on your original deposit. You can either pull that amount out and receive your 1% return per day, or you can “Hydrate” or compound your earnings and compound the 1% against the new amount. The key of the game is Hydrating (Compounding) your returns. By Hydrating you start to see the 3678% APYs (Annual Percentage Yield – a way to measure how much your money may grow over time as you earn interest on your deposits) by the end of the year (fees excluded for simplicity).
Where do DRIP Rewards come from?
DRIP rewards come from a 10% tax on all transactions completed on the network. (excluding Buys from the platform’s swap page which is fountain page)
Users of DRIP get taxed 10% almost on every transaction. Please see summary of all taxes below
- Deposits -10%
- Claims– 10%
- Sells – 10%
- Airdrops – 10%
- Transfers (from one wallet to another) – 10%
- Hydration(Compounding) – 5%.
All the taxes go into a rewards pool to pay out everybody’s 1% a day, and because the incentive is prioritized to compound your interest instead of selling and cashing out, that’s more and more DRIP being taxed at 5% as more users join DRIP and use DRIP token for many other useful transactions. The math of the site is designed to pay for itself so long as the majority of the folks stay within the Faucet, which is your greatest incentive for project token price to increase to new heights.
If there is ever a situation where the tax pool is not enough to pay rewards, new DRIP tokens will be minted to ensure rewards are paid out. Given the ingenious game theory behind the network, the probability the system will need mint new tokens to pay rewards is extremely low. Since tokens deposited into Faucet are sent to a burn address and is constantly being locked in the liquidity pool through the reservoir contract, DRIP is the only deflationary daily ROI platform.
| Low-Risk, High Reward Investment
The DRIP network faucet is a low-risk high reward contract that operates similarly to a high yield certificate of deposit. Players can participate by purchasing DRIP from the platform’s swap page and by joining a team.
Depositing tokens to the faucet contract earns a consistent 1% daily return of their deposit passively. (365% maximum payout). But this does not mean 365% is the maximum you will receive because when you compound your daily 1% returns your APY will go up
Players can also compound their earnings through regular deposits, rolling rewards as well as team-based referrals. Unlike many other platforms promising a consistent daily % return, the faucet’s contract cannot drain and will always be able to provide the promised reward.